Planets Outside The Solar System Having The Possibilities Of Life
Exoplanet's With Possibility Of Life
Kepler-186f is the first Earth sized extrasolar planet to be found within it's stars habitable zone within the orbital region where an Earth like planet can posses the liquid water on its surface and thus possibly support life. It was discovered by the Kepler satellite in 2014 . It's radius is 1.11 times that of the Earth's . It was the fifth planet discovered around it's star a dim Red Dwarf 500 light years from Earth with a mass 0.48 times that of that of the Sun . It orbits it's star every 129.9 days at a distance of 53.2 million km ( 33.1 million miles) . It receives only 32 percent of light that Earth receive from the Sun . There are four other planet's in the Kepler 186 system all of which orbit extremely close to their host star .
Kepler-22b is a super Earth that could be covered in a super ocean. There are still doubt's about the Kepler-22b's true nature , at 2.4 times Earth's radius, it might be gaseous . Kepler-22b orbits a star that is broadly similar to our sun it is G-class yellow dwarf star but its a little smaller fainter and older .The star is about 600 light years away in the direction of the constellation of Cygnus . The average surface temperature of Kepler-22b is 72 degree Fahrenheit (22 degree Celsius ) .
HD 40307 g
The alien planet classified as Super Earth is the sixth planet from its sun. It orbits at a distance of 55.8 million miles (90 million kilometers) from the Star , the distance is at habitable zone. The Dwarf star HD 40307, located 44 light-years from Earth hosts a system of six planets. The mass of exoplanet HD 40307g is at least seven times the mass of Earth. A single year in planet takes 197.8 Earth days.
Gliese 667Cc
The exoplanet which lies just 22 light years from Earth , is at least 4.5 times as massive as Earth , and researcher's aren't sure whether or not it's rocky. It completes it's orbit around it's host star in 28 days . But the star is Red Dwarf considerably cooler than the sun. Therefore this exoplanet lies in the habitable zone. It was discovered by the Southern Observatory's 3.6 meter telescope in Chile. It is orbiting within the habitable zone of the red Dwarf star Gliese 667C which is a member of the Gliese 667 triple star system approximately 23.62 light-years away in constellation of Scorpious.
Proxima Centauri b
Proxima Centauri b is very similar in size to Earth , with a mass of 1.17 Earth masses. It completes orbit to it's star in 11.2 days , in comparison to the Earth that takes a year to complete the orbit around the Sun. Proxima Centauri b is lot closer to it's star in comparison of Earth to the Sun. The star is a Red Dwarf , much smaller and cooler than our Sun , its orbit is within the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri . Interestingly Proxima Centauri b receives same amount of solar energy from its star as Earth from the Sun. It is 4.234 light years away from the Earth.
Gj357 d
The planet Gj357 d is six times larger than Earth . This Super Earth is located within the outer edge of its star habitable zone , where it receives similar amount of stellar energy as Mars does from the Sun. It's located 31 light years from our Solar System. This system is the part of the Hydra Constellation. It orbits it's star every 55.7 days at a range about 20% of the Earth distance from the sun . It orbits an M type Dwarf star about one third the Sun's mass and and about 40% cooler than our star.
Kapteyn B
Kapteyn b is the oldest known possibly rocky planet in a habitable zone , it has a surface temperature of 205 k (-68 degree Celsius, -91 degree Fahrenheit ) , however it has enough CO2 in its atmosphere , the surface temperature may rise enough to exist in its liquid form on the surface. It has 5 times the mass of the Earth and it orbit swiftly once around every 48 days around it's parent star . It orbit around the Kapteyn which is an M1 red Dwarf which is a cool small star the most common type of star in our Galaxy. Kapteyn is less massive , about 1/3rd the mass of the Sun , it is thought to be the member of the ancient group of stars formed in the early days of the universe .
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