Black Hole

                Black Hole

      What is a black hole ?


A region of a space time consisting of  extremely intense gravity from where even light cannot escape . Its formation is by the death of a massive star. This event occurs when a star run's out of its thermonuclear fuels and its core becomes unstable which gravitationally collapses inward upon itself and its outer layer blows away. This results in compression of the dying star to a point zero volume and infinite density also known as singularity.


    Types of Black holes

Black holes 

  •  Stellar mass black hole
  • Intermediate mass black hole
  • Supermassive black hole
  • Primordial black hole       

      Stellar mass Black hole

Such type of black holes are formed by incredibly dense stars that are relatively small in size. Its consist of more than  three times the mass of the sun . It consumes the dust and gas from there surrounding galaxies that keeps growing in size.

     Supermassive Black Holes 

Hundreds or thousands of tiny black holes  merge together to form supermassive black holes .It can also be occurred due to the collapsing of stellar cluster , a  group of stars all falling together . Its observed due to its gravitational effect on other objects.

 Intermediate Black holes 

 Such black holes formation takes place when cluster of stars collide in a chain reaction .  Several of these black holes together fall in a center of galaxy and form a super massive black hole.


    Primordial Black hole

Such black holes were born after a mere fraction of second after a Big Bang. These are also known hypothetical black holes . These are also  known as tiny black holes.

How does black holes violates Law Of Information

Physics fundamental law states that quantum information never disappear. Information can never be destroyed according to the quantum mechanics , but when combined with general relativity , quantum rules says that black holes destroys information. If the object of some entropy  fell into a black hole then the entropy of our universe would be decreased , which violates the Second Law Of Thermodynamics.

 Hawking Radiation


 Its the Thermal radiation spontaneously emitted by Black holes .In such radiation black holes have temperatures inversely proportional to its mass . It is the result of twin virtual particles naturally emerging from the vacuum being separated by gravity. It should recombine and cancel out , but in its case split leaves each one half of every pair to escape as actual radiation. The negative energy particles flowing into the black hole reduces its mass completely in a final burst of radiation.

   Event Horizon 

It is the boundary of the black hole. At this region the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. As according to general relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing can escape the black hole's boundary including the  light. Anything entering the black hole cannot be observed from outside the event horizon. The black hole singularity is to be assumed to be experienced within the event horizon. Event horizon size depends on the black hole's mass.

     Event Horizon Telescope 

It is a multinational research project imaging the black holes. One of the high resolution image of a black hole at the heart of the galaxy Messier 87 was released by this collaboration on April10,2019. It is a worldwide telescope network capturing  the image of black hole by combining the observation to a giant array the size our planet. It can help scientist to analyze the shapes and behavior of event horizons.






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